
Our Actions

We believe that social economic developments in our community will allow us to achieve excellency in our business activities. By advancing towards endeavours that will bring positive externalities to our community, we are proud to be part of something far bigger than just a manufacturing facility.

Equality and empowerment of our employees is a vital part of our ethos, We strongly encourage self development of our employees through leadership activities and educational seminars.

Women employments

Foundation Principles of Honesty! & Integrity! in Our Entire Supply Chain.

Treatment Of Our Social & Physical Environment in High Esteem.

Reverence of Employees Diverse Talents, Ideologies, Work Ethics, Decision Making and Systematic Delegation Qualities.

We are proud of the fact 90% of our employees are women.

Supporting minorities

Our manufacturing plants are situated in locations that have the highest literacy rates and the highest unemployment rates. We aim to support minority groups that are traditionally discriminated.

Religious discrimination

Foundation Principles of Honesty! & Integrity! in Our Entire Supply Chain.

Treatment Of Our Social & Physical Environment in High Esteem.

Reverence of Employees Diverse Talents, Ideologies, Work Ethics, Decision Making and Systematic Delegation Qualities.

We are proud of the fact 90% of our employees are women.


In order to support bright individual we offer education sponsorships and scholarships to out community members. We also provide employment opportunities to bright individuals who excelled in their academic scholarships.

water filtration

To reduce water pollution in Asia, we have constructed water filtration plants among our communities that provide clean drinking water.

Recycled materials

We encourage the use of Recyclable materials and have committed to reduce our carbon mission by 50% in 2023. We are investing heavily in creating sustainable materials that replicate the performance qualities in traditional fabrics.

Our in house chemical testing facility ensure that we use chemicals that are safe for our environment.

Blue Horizon Vietnam In House Compression Molding

Our professional team of confident individuals are geared with an everlasting hunger to improve and compete. Blue Horizon’s prestigious range of specialty gloves development along with advance work gloves that display valuable characteristics of dexterity, abrasion, cut, tear & puncture resistance are in constant focus to be updated according to latest trends in fashion & design.